Cohort Spotlight | Rideshine

Introducing Rideshine
Rideshine founders Trevor Thoma and Aidan Pinter began their entrepreneurial journey because they saw an unsolved problem. Their unique approach to providing apartment amenities like house cleaning and overnight car washes adds convenience for residents and revenue for property owners.
Connect with Founders: Trevor Thoma & Aidan Pinter
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In conversation with Rideshine Founders, Trevor Thoma and Aidan Pinter
How did you come to be an entrepreneur?
We started this journey because we enjoy solving problems, and we saw a problem that was unsolved. Our first attempt to solve the problem failed, and in trying new approaches, we learned more about starting a business than any class could ever teach.
How did you learn about the Long Beach Accelerator and what attracted you to apply and subsequently join the program?
We found LBA online, and we applied because we knew with the investment from Sunstone, we'd be able to commit to Rideshine full-time. That was a huge deal for us because prior to LBA we were part-time founders, and it's just not possible to get enough traction when you're committed to other full-time jobs. Between our interview and our conversations with previous cohort members, we knew LBA would be a great fit.
What aspect of the Long Beach Accelerator Program have you found most valuable to the growth and accelerator of your company and why?
The modules probably helped our growth the most because there was always some nugget of information that made us think deeper about what we were doing or try something new.
Have you reached any exciting milestones since joining the LBA?
We reached $100K ARR during February, and our first month in the program (December) we were at $60K ARR.
What would you share with a startup founder that is considering applying to the Long Beach Accelerator?
Make sure to meet and connect with as many people as possible. So much of startup success relies on serendipity and you've got to put yourself in a position to benefit from it.