Cohort Spotlight | Sesame

Introducing Sesame
Sesame is a RetailTech and FoodTech company located in Denver, Colorado. After taking over the company a few years ago, CEO Sarah Lynch has navigated the highs and lows of entrepreneurship to offer a fresh take on vending machines. Sesame is an AI-powered, app-enabled SaaS platform built for flipping kiosks & fridges into white-labeled 24/hr storefronts. Sesame has recently launched their pre-sale campaign and is offering the first iteration of its smart fridges.
Connect with Sesame Founder: Sarah Lynch
Connect with Sesame:
In conversation with Sesame Founder, Sarah Lynch
How did you come to be an entrepreneur?
I call myself an accidental entrepreneur. I was offered the chance to take over this company a few years ago, and I decided to just go for it. I've pivoted the company substantially since those early days, and established what we are today through a ton of highs and lows. In that vein, I think resilience is the best trait a founder can have. The early days can be immeasurably tough, but you have to know that it's all part of the process, and things do get better.
How did you learn about the Long Beach Accelerator and what attracted you to apply and subsequently join the program?
I learned about LBA through a network connection. At the time of applying, we were doing initial research into launching in the L.A. market, and it seemed like the perfect fit. LBA has been the perfect partner fit to leverage connection in the area, and is serving as an irreplaceable foundation for growth in that area.
What aspect of the Long Beach Accelerator Program have you found most valuable to the growth and accelerator of your company and why?
Modules. I've learned so much throughout this program, the instructors have been engaging and thoughtful, and the curriculum truly spans the breadth of startup/ founder needs.
Mentors. In past programs, I've sometimes been matched with mentors that don't really make sense for my startup. Leadership at LBA spent extra time and effort finding me the perfect match as a mentor, and it really paid off!
The cohort. It has been amazing working with these other talented founders. Listening to our similar challenges and focuses has been like founder therapy.
Have you reached any exciting milestones since joining the LBA?
We've launched a whole new app and platform, as well as secured our first big check from a customer through our pre-sale campaign. We've also solidified brand partnerships in the L.A. area.
What would you share with a startup founder that is considering applying to the Long Beach Accelerator?
You get out of it what you put into it. Leverage the connections available to you.